Caddman 3D

Caddman3D support your AM projects at any stage of development

Caddman3D’s team is here to support you at any stage of your project, from helping you identify the 3D printing opportunities of your company to the manufacturing process of your finished parts.

Innovative systems and mechanisms

Reducing the number of components gives life to robust parts and allows for innovative systems meeting the most demanding industrial standards. Electronic enclosures and supports

Electronic enclosures and supports

With a high level of functional integrations, we can offer ingenious fixing solutions, wiring management, light, or sound transmission.

Spare parts and repair

On-demand manufacturing enables inventory dematerialization, adding flexibility and reactivity to your supply chains.

Unique models

We look for solutions that best enhance your model’s properties. Make the most of instant production for your models, artwork, intricate shapes, and prototypes.

Finished products

Additive manufacturing has evolved so much, whether in terms of technologies, materials, or finishing options, that its use for finished products has become widespread.

3D Designing